How to Get Rid Of Mosquitoes without Chemicals

How to Become a mosquito killer without Chemicals?

How to Get Rid Of Mosquitos without Chemicals?

If you want to spend your time outside during the evenings, it can be impossible as the house gets invaded by mosquitoes. They can be very annoying especially due to the constant biting, buzzing, and the several diseases they carry with them. Malaria, dengue are some of the diseases that are caused because of the illness. Hence it’s imperative to be free from the unwelcome guests for safeguarding our family’s health. There are some ways by which you can get rid of Mosquitoes without chemicals, and we shall discuss them in brief right here!

1. Have Plants At Home That Repel Mosquitoes:

Some of the plants like Catnip, citronella, and feverfew have been known for mosquito repelling capabilities. You can plant them in pots and place them near the doorways or windowsill for stopping the mosquitoes from making an entry into the house. 

2. Tea Tree Oil:

You can just dilute a bit of tea tree oil in water and then apply on skin. This is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal oil, so it will not just repel mosquitoes but can also help with the healing of mosquito bites naturally.

3. Rosemary:

For keeping mosquitoes away, rosemary stalks are great. You can just burn some stalks in your house and this can be an effective remedy for getting rid of these insects. 

4. Lavender and Neem Oil:

You can mix both of these oils in the ratio 1:1 and then apply over your skin. Neem oil works better than chemical coils that you get in the market. It is also antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal, this makes sure that your skin is protected and safe. 


5. Natural Repellents:

There are some interesting products available in the market that is safe and easy to use. These contain ingredients that attract mosquitoes towards them in a similar way that they get attracted to humans. Slowly mosquitoes get killed over time.

6. Repellents containing DEET and Peppermint Essential Oil:

There are natural products available in the market that contains DEET and Peppermint essential oils. You can get them in spray or bags form that can be hung in places around you. The peppermint oil has a refreshing fragrance and repels mosquitoes. 

7. Camphor and Coffee:

One of the most trusted at-home remedies for repelling mosquitoes is camphor. You just have to keep camphor in a closed room for half an hour. You will be surprised to see some of the mosquitoes lying dead on the floor. 

Then in case you have small water puddles around your house, you know that it’s the best breeding ground for mosquitoes. So just put some coffee ground in these places. The mosquito eggs get deprived of oxygen and float on the surface soon. They aren’t going to survive and prevent them from being around your environment. 

Final Words:

Mosquitoes are undoubtedly great inconvenience and people do need the right remedial options. These remedies for "How to Get Rid Of Mosquitos without Chemicals” will be a helpful guide for having a home free from mosquitoes. 

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